Happening In The Community
It's always good to know what is going on in our exciting community. Cabin Fever Coffee Club - Feb 6, 13, 20, 17 Thursdays from 2pm-3pm - 25 Main Street, Grand Bend - Huron Shores United ChurchBundle up and get out of the house this winter, Thursday afternoons, for a hot cup of something, a simple treat, and some shared conversation with others. Beginning at 2-3 pm and every Thursday until March 26 at Huron Shores United Church. All are welcome - lug your own mug, more importantly, invite a snowbound friend! Ausable-Port Franks Optimist Club Meat Draw February 15 - 2-3:30pm - Grog's Pub & GrillThe Optimist Club of Ausable Port Franks holds a meat draw on the third Saturday of each month from September to May. This event is at Grog's Restaurant from 2:00-4:00 pm and helps us raise money for our Youth events and programs. The date in May is changed due to the long weekend. Come out and have some fun and win some prizes. Soup-er Sundays February 23 - Noon - 3pm - 9997 Port Franks Road - Port Franks Community CentreFun with Giant Games!! Come out to the West Wing of the Port Franks Community Centre with your family or on your own to spend time with others on a Sunday afternoon. There is a light soup lunch and dessert for $5 that is available if you wish. Lambton Shores Community Challenge Bonspiel February 29 - 9am - 6pm - 6276 Townsend Line, Forest - Forest Curling Rink
Come out and experience Canada's other winter sport on ice, curling! Join the Forest Curling Club for a day of fun on the ice. The day will include two six end games, a hot lunch, games of hcance and prizes. Spectators are welcome and can join in on lunch for $14.00. The cost is $120 per team of four. Equipment and training provided at no extra cost. All you need to provide is a pair of clean runing shoes and warm layered clothing. New and experienced curlers welcome! No experience necesary just a sense of humor and a plan for a good time! Call Ward Burr at 1519-786-5012 for more information or to sign up today.
These aren't all the events happening in Lambton Shores so check out the community calendar link on Lambton Shores website. Here is the link to community calendar page: https://calendar.lambtonshores.ca/default/Month?StartDate=06/01/2019
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